Find Time to (Finally) Train Your Dog!

(For dogs of any age, Even when life is crazy)


Short on time?

 You don't have to disrupt your busy schedule to train your dog. Really.


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"Find Time to Train Your Dog"

Use this simple 3-step system to uncover opportunities for training you didn't know you had and finally get the well-behaved companion you need, in just minutes per week.

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Get a dog you can live with by finding time to train.

Learning relies on the number of repetitions, not the length of the training sessions. You don't have to schedule big blocks of time! Using idle time means training happens quickly, using time you didn't know you had.

You have more time than you think - you can train while you microwave your lunch, during TV commercials, or when you're just walking through the house. Using the hidden opportunities makes training easy.

Techniques like habit stacking make it simple to incorporate training into your daily routine and stick with it. You don't need to live with an untrained dog, and you can train him at home, without going to a class.

Kristen G.

Lorrie is an outstanding instructor that breaks everything down into manageable lessons. She provides specific feedback and troubleshooting along the way. I always look forward to Lorrie's new classes and offerings!



Kids, work, activities, and life in general means there's little time left for dog training, leaving you with a dog who is bored and untrained. The good news? You DON'T have to set aside big chunks of time to have the dog of your dreams.

You don't need long sessions for training - it's repetitions that matter. Grab this FREE, easy-to-digest eBook and learn the system I used with my dogs while caring for 5 kids, 5 dogs, teaching weekly classes, and holding down a full-time+ corporate job.

The eBook includes the 3-step system to find your training time and three bonus tips to help you make training a habit and keep you motivated to follow through.


Hi!  I’m Lorrie Reynolds.  I’ve been involved with dog agility since 2002, and started teaching tricks, weekly agility, and family obedience classes along with weekend distance seminars in 2005.  

This eBook is based on my experience as a busy mom with a full-time plus job, five dogs, and weekly classes to teach. I know you will be able to use the same system to successfully train your dog too.  


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